Monday, October 30, 2017

"Blue Door Abandoned Ranch"


                                                         "Blue Door Abandoned Ranch", Jelm, WY
                                                                                 Oil, 18"x 24" (Sold)

Wyoming is my home. My sister-in-law lives in this very small community where there are old abandoned ranch buildings along the Laramie River. When we go to visit, we always walk past this house that is part of an old ranch that has been abandoned for many years. This particular year the poppies had bloomed and were being blown about by the wind. We just loved seeing them against the grey stucco walls. We walked back to the house and I spent 4 days tackling the wind as I picked bits of seeds and sage out of the paint. The colors were so reminiscent of many of the brightly colored painted buildings that give me so much joy when I am in Mexico.

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